Archive: General Page

  • Reliance Basics

    OHRP Guidance: Assurance Process HHS human subject protection regulations and policies require that any institution engaged in non-exempt human subjects research conducted or supported by HHS must

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  • Study Specific Disclosure Forms

    Study Specific Disclosure Form -GUMC Study Specific Disclosure Form -Medstar/GU Each “investigator“ must submit a Georgetown University Study Specific Disclosure Form as part of each protocol applicat

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  • Templates and Forms

    The IRB website is migrating to a new site. For the most up-to-date information, please go to the new Human Subject Protections website. Translation Service: Chris Elznic, Client Success Manager,

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  • Templates & Forms

    The Georgetown IRB does not accept paper submissions. Please attach the documents in the Georgetown-MedStar IRB System. Templates and Forms (Protocol Templates, Informed Consent Templates, Externa

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  • GHUCCTS IRB Committee E

    The Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science (GHUCCTS) Institutional Review Board is the IRB for the GHUCCTS consortium; its purpose is to review c

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  • Student-conducted Research

      Investigator Responsibilities The HHS regulations at 45 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) part 46 use the term “investigator” to refer to an individual performing various tasks related to the condu

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  • Social and Behavioral Sciences IRB (IRB-C)

    The Institutional Review Board for social and behavioral science research involving human subjects (IRB-C) has the responsibility of reviewing proposed research projects to ensure that the priv

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  • CIRB

    The National Cancer Institute Central Institutional Review Board Initiative provides a centralized, independent model review of NCI-sponsored clinical trials. The CIRB Initiative is a partnership bet

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  • MedStar Health Research Institute-Georgetown University Oncology IRB

    On January 29, 2002 Georgetown University and MedStar Health, Inc. entered into a Memorandum of Understanding, to organize and operate the MedStar Health Research Institute-Georgetown Universit

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