Educational Opportunities, Programs, & Events
OHRP Exploratory Workshops
The Office for Human Research Protection announces a new OHRP Exploratory Workshop Initiative. The rapidly changing landscape of biomedical and health-related behavioral research continues to present diverse challenges for adequately reviewing and appropriately regulating research to best protect human research subjects. Charged with the mission of providing leadership in the protection of the rights, welfare, and well-being of human subjects involved in research conducted or supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) endeavors to keep abreast of these challenges with the long-term goal of analyzing emerging ethical and regulatory issues and developing meaningful policy guidance.
OHRP’s Division of Education and Development (DED) promotes education and outreach on the protection of human subjects in research. DED created the OHRP Exploratory Workshop to provide a platform for collegial intellectual exchanges within the research community to promote exploration of a topic of interest that hinges on the Federal regulations on human subjects protection. Speakers are asked to present their perspectives and discuss concerns, controversies, and potential solutions. OHRP considers constructive communication a vital first step towards finding common ground and creating pragmatic workable solutions.
OHRP Lecture Series
The Division of Education and Development has launched its Luminaries Lecture Series, featuring talks by esteemed individuals with thought-provoking insights on human subjects research protections. The series is intended to be of broad interest to investigators and IRB professionals, as well as anyone involved in human subjects research.
Some of the featured lectures include:
- Dr. Celia Fisher on “Ethics and Social Justice in Health Research Involving Vulnerable Adolescents” and
- Dr. Richard Gorman considering the question “How Do You Know What You Think You Know?”