Protection of Minors Policy

Protection of Minors in Research Studies

Georgetown University has established a Protection of Minors Policy to protect those under 18 years of age who participate in programs and activities, including research activities, associated with the University and to provide guidance to University students, faculty and staff who are involved with such programs and activities.

The Policy contains three main requirements applicable to those who participate in research involving minors:

  • Reporting of Known or Suspected Abuse or Neglect
  • Training and Education Requirements
  • Background Check Requirement

The following document summarizes the policy and the responsibilities of Principal Investigators and other study team members for research projects involving minors:
IRB Research and Minors Policy

Any questions about the policy can be directed to:

Office of Compliance and Ethics

Georgetown University
37th & O Streets, NW Washington, DC 20057
305 Gervase
Phone: (202) 687-6493