Compliance with University Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) and Intellectual Property (IP) Policies

In addition to federal disclosure requirements, Georgetown policies also require disclosures of certain activities and interests:

  • Under the FCOI Policy, University faculty and staff must disclose “significant financial interests” that they or their family members have if such interests are reasonably related to their University responsibilities. The definition of “significant financial interests” is broad and the dollar threshold for disclosure differs depending on whether an individual is an “investigator” (basically one who engages in sponsored research) or not. An investigator who receives more than $5,000 in a two-year period from a domestic or foreign external source (including the payment of travel by that entity), must disclose it unless such payments are not related to the person’s research activities or other University responsibilities. Questions about the University FCOI policy or its requirements may be directed to the Mary Schmiedel, Senior Director, Office of Research Oversight, at or (202) 687-3911, Nabeel Qureshi, Deputy Conflicts Officer and Senior Research Compliance Officer, at or Lila Sisbarro, Research Compliance Officer, at
  • Pursuant to the University’s Intellectual Property Policy, University faculty, staff, students, fellows and visitors must disclose any inventions and tangible research property, whether patentable or not, and any related intellectual property that they make or conceive in their University research or other assignments, or with more than incidental use of the University’s facilities, equipment, funds or other resources. Researchers also must notify the Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) prior to public disclosure of any research results that could embody reportable inventions, and may not enter into any agreements that may involve University intellectual property or confidential information with outside organizations without consulting with OTC. Questions related to the Intellectual Property Policy may be directed to OTC at