Human Subject Protection Training

Certification that one has completed training in human subject protection in research is required of all Georgetown University faculty, investigators, study coordinators and other individuals directly involved in human subject research. An individual may complete this training, which should be updated every three years, by either:

  1. Completing the on-line course from Collaborative IRB Training Initiative (CITI) . You will need to register and create your own username and password. Please select Georgetown University as your institution. You can print out a certificate upon completion for your own records. CITI automatically keeps track of Georgetown University participants and profiles us with completion data.


  2. Taking the Clinical Research Training (NIH) course. Upon completion this on-line program prints a completion certificate.

More Information About CITI

How to Enroll in a CITI course for the first time


NOTE: Responsible Conduct of Research does not meet HSP or HIPAA training requirements.