Seminars & Education

Image of statue on Georgetown University campus

Georgetown Clinical Research Network (CRN) Seminar Series

Please see the ORQA education and training page for specific information on seminar dates, registration and recordings of past meetings.

Office of Technology Commercialization Events

Stay abreast of OTC events, such as the NAI Induction Ceremony, Wine and Cheese Hour, Invention to Innovation (I2I) Seminar Series and more.

Certified Research Administrator (CRA) Study Team

The CRA Study Team is a guided self-study program designed for Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) staff that are interested in and qualify to take the certified research administrator exam. The CRA exam is managed by the Research Administrators Certification Council (RACC), an independent certifying body. A CRA designation demonstrates a broad knowledge of all aspects of research administration including, but not limited to, project development and administration, legal requirements and sponsor interface, financial management, and general management.